Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Why We Need the Hard Stuff...

  Getting back into a workout routine after any extended period of time away is always hard.  Technically, I'm not  officially "getting back" just yet.  I still have one more activity to pass through before my regularly schedule program continues...at least for a few months....I hope.  The truth is, summer has wreaked havoc on my workout routine.  I had finally gotten into a groove and was feeling really good about my efforts and then BAM(!) responsibility hit!  Seven and half weeks later, I still haven't quite found my footing again!
  It's kind of like what I imagine surfing would be like (since I haven't actually ever done it).  Your on your board, enjoying a knarly wave....and then BAM(!) the wave takes you under and you tumble around underwater trying to figure out what ways up before you run out of oxygen!  I guess it's also like so many other things in life as well.  You're enjoying a friendship, things are going great and then it seems like all of a sudden BAM(!) something happens and everything seems to go out the window.  You find yourself struggling to communicate with or even to care for the other person, let alone want to be around them!  Or your walking along, hand in hand with God and you feel like nothing could ever get better than this moment, and then BAM(!) it's like a wrecking ball smashes between the two of you and you can't seem to connect anymore.
  I don't know, maybe this just happens in my life, but in thinking about why it happens, I can't help but wonder if it's all for our own personal growth.  Not that I think God or even people intentionally try to separate themselves from us, but I think when things like this happen... when there is an out of the blue break in connection... it gives us two options: to give up or seek to get that connection back!  I would have to admit, that many times when it comes to my relationship with people and the BAM(!) hits, I just give up (sad I know!).  But when it comes to my relationship with God, I always come back to searching for more.
  Now, before you go thinking, "Isn't that such a spiritual answer...isn't she so cute...blah blah blah", I am not trying to be a spiritual showoff.  I am just admitting, that when that moment comes when I can choose to fall away from God or get back up, brush myself off and start running after Him again...I eventually, always come back to the place of seeking after Him.  It's not because I am spiritual, it's because I know there is no where else for me to go!  He is the answer!
  Which brings me back to the point of all this.  I think sometimes in life, God allows hard things to happen in order to draw us deeper into Himself.  He knows, as well as we do, that when everything is hunky-dorey, we ain't to app to fervently follow after Him.  We start to get comfortable, kick-back, and before we know it we've lost our way.  But when trouble comes, what's the first thing we do?!  Cry out to God (even if it's just to ask Him why?!).  Maybe God uses tough times in order to bring us back to that place of desperation.  And maybe in that place of desperation we discover more of God and more of ourselves.  And maybe through that discovery we grow closer to Him!  I guess that's how we can learn to rejoice in suffering...knowing that in the end it draws us deeper into Him!

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