Friday, January 2, 2015

New year, new start...

 Wow it is so crazy to think we are already into 2015!!! It's been so nice to be able to ring in this new year with my family and enjoy much of the comforts of the USA. But with the ringing of the new year comes a new focus and new goals and a new start. This year I want to focus on my health....obviously that won't be my only focus, considering I am still living life on mission...but something I started to believe at the end of last year is that unless I am taking care of my body, I'll never fully be able to honor God or have the complete confidence to step out into all I feel He is calling me to.
  With that said, I started off the year trying to eat healthier and with a bit of exercise. I have also decided to track my food in a more public kind of way...using Instagram...for the added accountability. My goal is to exercise at least five times a week as well, but until we return to our village, I will have to be bit creative in what I do (well yesterday my sister and I went for a walk which is more boring than creative, but still).
 I have no idea what the next year holds...but I know that God is with me and as I honor him with my life...and my health...I am sure He will lead me closer to His heart as we continue this adventure together! So here's to another year...CHEERS!!

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