Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019.

  Someone much wiser than me once said, “The days are long, but the years are short.”  And apparently, they knew exactly what they were talking about.  However, I also think what the quote fails to say but should include is that in those long days things will often seem so hard and you may feel like you are never making any progress, but the years will tell you otherwise.  As I look back over 2018, at first, it seems like it was such a hard year.  So often I felt like I was struggling and like things were never quite working out. Many times I felt like I was taking two steps forward and three steps back.  And I can’t even tell you how many moments I just wanted to give up and throw in the towel with so many things.  Yet, when I look deeper, there are so many great things that happened as well.  In 2018 we celebrated my parents 50th wedding anniversary, I got a new job, I graduated with my degree, my relationship with God got back on track, and I even got a new car.  And when I consider all this, I realize that 2018 actually was a pretty great year and I was completely blessed even in the midst of the valleys!  For that I am thankful.
  Looking forward to 2019 I have no idea what to expect.  Last year did not end how I had planned in many ways, so that makes me both nervous and excited for the next 365 days.  I did not make any new year resolutions for this new year either (for probably the first time in a while), but for the first time in maybe ever I feel like I have a word for the coming year…and by word, I literally mean a single word.  A few weeks ago, I began praying for this new year and asking God to give me some encouragement that would last me the whole year through.  I wasn’t sure what exactly I was hoping to hear from God, but the word “steadfast” kept coming up.  Now honestly, steadfast isn’t a word that I usually use in my everyday conversations and so I had to look up what it means.  I found out that the literal definition is resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.  And the common synonyms are things like devoted, solid, constant, dependable, and true.  And somehow I just knew, while not what I expected when I asked God to give me an encouraging word, this was exactly it!
  Now I can’t honestly say I know what it means that 2019 feels like it will be defined by the word “steadfast.”  Maybe it means that God will show Himself steadfast in my life or maybe God is calling me and reminding me to stay steadfast in my journey of life.  I really don’t know.  But there’s something about going into a new year with this word at the foundation that makes me feel full of hope and ready for whatever the year holds.  So, what about you?  What word (or words) are you holding onto in this new year?

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