Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Pressure's Off...

  Tonight we started a new series with our youth group about being radical for God....which I know in some circles can have a bad connotation, but we're talking about the kind of Radical that allows God, the God of love and grace and mercy, to shine in everything we do; the kind of radical that says Jesus is everything and therefore I give Him everything I am! 
  To kick off this series we each took some time tonight to share with the youth a bit of our testimony and then talk about someone who has influenced us to be radical for Christ.  I was the only person who shared someone I know personally, while others shared authors and missionaries from years ago.  I actually think this gave the youth a good overview of how people can speak into our lives in different ways (whether thru personal contact, in literature, or just thru how they lived).
  Anyway, this was the first time in a really long time that I wasn't worried about what I was going to share...probably cause I was talking about myself, and well, that's pretty easy for me.  But what's even more amazing is that this was one of the few times recently that after I shared I didn't stress about what I said or what I didn't say, I didn't analyze every thought that came out of my mouth, I didn't regret anything.  Normally after I share, I pick apart every bit of what I said, until I've pretty much convinced myself it was horrible and that I should never be allowed to share in public again (I am not dramatic at all)!
  I guess, for once, I walked away feeling like it wasn't about my fact it wasn't about me at all.  God is going to do what God is going to do....and His spirit can touch anyone using anything!  I honestly believe that I could read off names in the phonebook and if God's Spirit entered into it, lives would be changed (not that I ever plan on trying that)!
  There's such a freedom in knowing it's not about me....that I can't do it wrong, if God is in it!  It takes the pressure off of me and allows me to just BE myself.  And I think that's how it should be.  Whether it's a youth meeting, sharing in church, talking to a class, or just chilling with friends, I don't have to try to do anything or be anything.... I can just pray and trust God, following His lead!  I guess that's what it means to truly be His , huh?!?!

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