Friday, November 29, 2019

New Gym, New Motivation...

   I  haven't worked out in about 9 months and it has clearly MORE than started to show on my already overweight body....which has made me pretty self-conscious as of late.  Plus, I have been avoiding going to the doctor like the plague, because I know I have gained weight since the last time I saw her and I don't want her to yell at me.  So, recently I decided it's really time for a change and I need to get back into working out....the problem is, I am horrible at motivating myself to do it at home, and I really, really, really don't want to go back to my old gym.
  Now don't get me wrong, when I started at my old gym two years ago, I loved it.  I was pretty much doing mostly cardio on my own to begin with,  but I was soon convinced that by signing up and paying for personal training I would get better results.  So I did, and even that at the beginning was fine, but soon I found my trainer forgetting to make routines for me or even forgetting he was meeting with me. More than that....I wasn't losing weight even though, according to my trainer, I was "killing it"!  Then he convinced me to pay even more money to meet with the gym's nutritionist once a month.  I did  that too, and to be honest, it was very informative.  The only problem was I had no real accountability and struggled to stay on plan....and eventually gave up.
  At that point, I was starting to get frustrated and annoyed and decided it was time to switch trainers.  There was another trainer at the gym whom I liked and I thought we would work well together...and we did, for a long while.  But I still wasn't losing fact I was gaining weight.  Working hard and seeing no results made my commitment level waiver, and my lack of commitment rubbed off on my new trainer.  Soon I was only coming to the gym to go the training sessions, since I had paid for them, and half the time my trainer would just talk about life with me, her other clients, and her colleagues. Yeah, she still trained me and she usually remembered when we were meeting and she only forgot to make new routines for me a handful of times... but by then I was so unmotivated and over the gym that I just stopped giving any real effort, and both she and I knew it.  I was burned out, frustrated, and feeling like I was wasting all sorts of money without getting eventually, I just stopped going.  That was in April.
  Since then I have dreaded going back to the gym.  In fact, I am currently still paying membership fees and have like 15 unused training sessions at that old gym,  just cause I have no desire to walk in there ever again.  So when I started noticing the number on the scale going even higher, and that not only was my belly starting to hang over my jeans, but I was getting winded walking upstairs.... I started seriously thinking about going back to the gym, but just not my old one.
  Then one day I was on facebook and a picture of an old friend popped up.  Somehow seeing her picture reminded me of the one time I went a took a class with her at her gym.  That gym is legitimately 3 minutes from my current job and about 10 minutes from home.  So I decided to reach out to them.  Now to be honest, when I reached out I really wasn't sure they would allow me to join.  From what I had vaguely remembered, the workouts were hard and I am clearly not in shape.  But I reached out anyway and it turns out, they didn't care how out of shape I am.
  I am now currently 7 days into my free 10 day trial with them and I got to say, I was pretty much sold after day two.  I love the atmosphere in the gym, and for a girl who always shied away from classes, I have found in a group setting my competitive nature sturs up and I end up pushing myself harder than I would working out on my own.  And although there has been at least 1 moment in every class when I've literally felt like "maybe I can't do this"...the classes are only 35 minutes so I always make it through.
  So...I think I found myself a new gym!  Now I just need to officially join....and FINALLY cancel that old gym membership!

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