People are messy...and hard...and uncontrollable. We want to love them and serve them (or at least I hope WE do), but it's definitely never easy and sometimes that exactly why we give up on even trying. The other day I was reading a stream of messages online about some kid (aka, teen...cause apparently anyone younger than me is now a kid in my mind) who was completely rude to the guy who posted the original message. The guy had responded with some kind of snazzy remark and a bunch of other people had chimed in on this thread to cheer him on or offer alternative smart-alec remarks he could have said. But honestly, as I read through majority of the thread, I just became sadder and sadder. We treat each other so horribly in this world...and we cheer each other on for responding to unkindness with unkindness. What ever happen to loving your neighbor as yourself?! Turning the other cheek?!? Forgiveness?!?! Or right...that's hard!
I get it, I do. I am human as well and when someone treats me like crap, my immediate reaction is to respond by throwing crap right back at them! But what does that really accomplish anyway?!? It only escalates the problem and turns me into someone I don't want to be. What if instead, we responded to "jerk-faces" and "crap-heads" with love and understanding? What if when they were rude, we were kind? What if when they hurt us, we tried to bless them?!?! Sure it's hard, but it would also make the world stand up and take notice! Plus isn't that what Jesus called us to when He gave us all those One Another's in the Bible?! Oh right, I forgot, those are the "rules" only for dealing with other Christians, not for those in the world! Right?!?! NOT! At least I don't think so! Imagine it. A bunch of people who love Jesus, rising up and loving the world....loving those who seem least loveable and completely unforgiveable... what a difference that would make for the kingdom!
Unfortunately, we're not much better off in the church, are we??! I was also reading another online thread this weekend , where a bunch of people were sharing how they have been hurt by the church and received some really harsh treatment by those who claim to be serving God. I can't point the finger at anyone else, because I've done my share of mud-slinging and ax-welding, damaging my brothers and sisters in the church as well. But what if in the future, I put down my weapons, took up my cross (like the Bible says!) and actually lived like my savior did?!?! Yeah it's hard. Yeah people can be pretty sucky sometimes. But what if instead of always pointing out the speck in other people's eyes and condemning their behavior as the problem, I instead dealt with the plank in my own eye and allowed the Holy Spirit to work through me to love without a reason or a cause! What if you did the same? Imagine the church we would have....Imagine how the world would change....Imagine how we would see the kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven. Amen!
I am still thinking communications. Pray about it.