Something that I really enjoy about my relationship with God is how honest I can always be with Him. I can tell him the truth about myself, because he already knows it. And I don't have to be worried about what His response is going to be, because He's already chosen to love me at my worst. There's such comfort in that, especially since we live in a world that can be so opposite....even in Christian circles.
Yesterday was one of those days where I just needed to be with someone who would listen to me bellyache, without judgment and without trying to fix anything. I needed to vent my frustrations and discouragements and be free to be real, to be human, to let go of the feeling that as the "missionary" I have to have it all together, and just be myself. (I really need to learn to live in that place!)
Thankfully God knows me well, and He's placed friends in my life who know how to do that (even across the miles). He's also given me people to who I look up to, that can speak words of wisdom into my life, in order to help me see the truth of God, His Kingdom and even myself. (Shout out to those amazing ones! Thank you doesn't even really cover it!).
But God also does something even more wonderful at times (okay, probably way more than sometimes), not only does He choose to listen to me and allow me to come to Him with my somewhat "whiny teenager" self, but He also waits on me, until He knows I'm ready, and then...He speaks. Did you catch that?! The God of the universe, who has the right to do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, chooses to wait on me. Not only that, but then, even though He could straight up be annoyed and walk away, letting me do my own thing....He chooses to stick around, to just be there, and when He knows that my heart will really take it in....He speaks.
The thing is, God doesn't have to do this....and to be honest, sometimes I wonder why He would. But He does it anyway....out of His great love and all surpassing knowledge, He waits on us, comes to us, and speaks to us. What kind of God is this that would basically humble Himself to man, in order to show man just how much He loves them?!?! This is our God....this is my God! It's what He did on the cross and what He continues to do every day of my life.
I think we could all (especially me) learn quite a bit from Him in terms of how to be there for each other and how to relate to one another. I guess that's another great reason why He is God....He's our perfect example. I want to be more like Him. Amen.