For the past couple of weeks I have had what I guess you could classify as writers block. Someone told me when I first started blogging years ago that you should write every day because only then will it get easier and you will always have something to say. Well, I honestly can't say for certain if that's true or not considering that I've never been all that consistent of a blogger, but I can say that not writing for weeks really makes it hard to get back in the groove of things.
Plus I have to continually remind myself why I started writing in the first spot. I didn't create this blog for followers (although I do like share what I've written with my friends). I created it to help me process and remember all that I'm learning in life. And who knows, maybe fifty years from now I will look back on this blog and be able to remember my "youth" in a deeper way because of all the things I have written here. So It's back to business...
I think the lesson of this year (and/or longer) has been learning to love people unconditionally and not allowing my attitude and actions towards others to be determined by the way that they treat me, but rather by the what Christ has done for me. You'd think by now I would have that all figured out and be living a life that is so pleasing to the Lord that it shines brighter than the sun! But...well...I'm sure you can guess that's not the reality!
Instead, it seems the more that I examine my own life and try to be a better person, the more I realize how wrong I usually get things and how grumpy and stubborn I can get! I want to be the kind of person that is known for her love and her joy, for being accepting and forgiving, and for thinking of other people better than myself. Unfortunately I don't think I exemplify any of those things on a continual basis and thus I always feel like I'm hitting the reset button on a game I can't seem to figure out!
The good thing is, realizing how much I screw it all up forces me to constantly come back to Christ, asking Him for forgiveness and begging Him to teach me how to be more like Him. I don't think we can really be the kind of people that Honor God 100% of the time if we aren't letting God live and work through us. It's really only by His strength that we can do it! So maybe it's a good thing that I constantly trip over my own self-centeredness, since that's the very thing that helps me put God back at the center of my life!
So what about you? What lessons have you been learning lately? How is God working in and through you? Let's learn from each other!
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