I don't normally like to get involved with spiritual mud fights that happen in the Christian community. I think it makes us all as Christians look bad and only confirms the belief of the world that we are judgmental and hypocritical. So normally I keep my mouth shut and don't say anything at all when it comes to our "family drama". That's not to say I don't have opinions though.
In fact I was reading a blog today about everything that's going on surrounding Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill Church and I honestly felt myself getting more and more annoyed as I read. This blog post was about how we should all be praying for and showing grace to Mark and his family since we all, like him, have sinned. I actually agree with what was written. We should be praying for him and instead of casting him out of the Christian community like some form of garbage, we really do need to be showing love. However, I was annoyed because I actually really respect the person who wrote this blog and yet I couldn't help but feel like in his effort to share the truth of what it means to live and love like Christ, he was also saying that it was okay for Mr Driscoll to treat people as he as and to have done the things he has done.
Now in all honesty, I don't really know all that much about what Mark Driscoll is accused of. Like I said I usually try to steer clear of Christian on Christian bashing, but I also have a hard time pushing aside what I do know, as if it does not matter. Do I think we need to love each other...YES, of course. Do I think he should be shunned for his actions....NO, not at all. But isn't there still consequences when it comes to sin? Yes Jesus paid for our sin on the cross. Yes I believe in His grace and mercy and that we not only need to receive it, but also give it to those all around us. But I can't seem to bring myself to believe that means we should act as if no wrong as been done. That's like saying a murderer can evade jail because he's said he's sorry. It just doesn't seem right to me.
So here I was reading this blog and actually having a mental argument with it's writer for trying to defend a brother in Christ, not for what he's done but because of who he is, and it dawned on me....isn't this how Jesus treats me. When God looks at me, he sees His child and he loves me unconditionally, not because of the things I have done, but because of who I am. Yes I sin and make a mess of things all the time, but God doesn't give up on me. And yes there are consequences to my sin, but that doesn't mean I stand condemned. When I repent and turn from my evil ways God looks at me and sees only the righteousness of His son; it's as if I've done no wrong. In fact He looks at all His children this way.
So instead of being judgemental and getting annoyed, I realize that I need to listen to this bloggers advice. I don't know Mark Driscoll personally...I've never met him and I've only read one of his books about half way through...but I will be praying for him and for his family. And I hope that despite any wrong he might have done, that the grace and forgiveness of God will flood through the body of Christ and this whole situation will bring him and others only closer to god! What the enemy means for evil, let God use for good. Amen!
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